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Transform your mid-sleeper bed with this fantastic Hello Kitty Bed Tent Pack. There are two fabric panels that snuggly and easily fit to the bed. The first goes around the base creating a perfect play area styled as your own Hello Kitty shop underneath the bed. The second creates a canopy above your bed to give you a snug place to sleep. The fabric panels have adjustable fabric ties that will fit standard mid sleeper beds within these sizes: Bed length 190cm - 191cm, Bed width 86cm - 89cm, Under bed height 73cm - 79cm
Transform your mid-sleeper bed with this fantastic Hello Kitty Bed Tent Pack. There are two fabric panels that snuggly and easily fit to the bed. The first goes around the base creating a perfect play area styled as your own Hello Kitty shop underneath the bed. The second creates a canopy above your bed to give you a snug place to sleep. Features: ? Transform your mid sleeper bed with this fantastic Hello Kitty Bed Tent Pack ? Comprising of 2 fabric bed panels - shop and bed canopy ? One panel creates a perfect play area styled as your own Hello Kitty shop underneath the bed ? Create a canopy above your bed to give you a snug place to sleep ? Easy to assemble ? The fabric panels have adjustable fabric ties that will fit standard mid sleeper beds within these sizes: Bed length 190cm - 191cm, Bed width 86cm - 89cm, Under bed height 73cm - 79cm. Suitable for children from the age of 3 years. PLEASE NOTE: THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE THE BED