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Price: £380.19
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A stylish 3 piece bedroom set consisting of a 2 door wardrobe and two bedside tables.
Decorate your bedroom in modern style with the Milano Walnut and Black Gloss 3 Piece 2 Door Wardrobe Set. This set would make a great addition to any bedroom, whether you're looking to fully furnish it or even just add to existing furniture.
The Milano Walnut and Black Gloss 3 Piece 2 Door Wardrobe Set is finished in walnut and black gloss which provide its sophisticated looks. Consisting of a 2 door wardrobe and two bedside tables, you'll be able to furnish your bedroom is one swift swoop.
Item: Wardrobe, 2 x bedside tables
Wardrobe: W 100cm x D 56cm x H 199cm
Bedside table: W 58cm x D 34cm x H 61cm
Material: Wood Walnut effect
Finish: Walnut and black gloss
- Stunning Black Gloss Walnut Wardrobe
- Metal Handle Detailing
- Matching Black Gloss and Walnut Bedside Tables
- Some Assembly Required
- Dimensions W 100cm x D 56cm x H 199cm - W 58cm x D 34cm x H 61cm